Three episodes of detective series


Three episodes of detective series "The female's version" - "The Cleaner", "Owl's sign" and "The mousetrap" on air of TVC channel today.
Tanya, the granddaughter of a famous Moscow investigator, followed her legendary grandfather footsteps - she became a criminal investigator. Tanya becomes one of the best employees in the department mostly due the fact that she finds answers in the family cases archive, that investigator Vasiliev was kept in Soviet times.
Director: Valeria Ivanovskaya.
“The female version. The cleaner ". Tanya is investigating the mysterious death of a young girl, the body was found in a landfill, but there is no violence, as well as witnesses ...
“The female’s version. Owl's sign".  Tanya's mother suddenly comes from abroad and informs Tanya and Lara, numb with happiness, that she is going to marry a German businessman...
“The female's version. Mousetrap". Tanya and Nikita go to the Vasilievs' dacha and get stuck on a country road. Trying to pick up a phone signal in the forest, Tanya stumbles upon a man's corpse.
You can more about the series here

The premiere of the new episodes of the third season of our detective series


The premiere of the new episodes of the third season of our detective series "The female's version": "The Mousetrap" has happened on the TVC TV channel.
Tanya, the granddaughter of a famous Moscow investigator, followed her legendary grandfather footsteps - she became a criminal investigator. Tanya becomes one of the best employees in the department mostly due the fact that she finds answers in the family cases archive, that investigator Vasiliev was kept in Soviet times.
Director: Valeria Ivanovskaya.
Premiere. “The female's version. Mousetrap". Tanya and Nikita go to the Vasilievs' dacha and get stuck on a country road. Trying to pick up a phone signal in the forest, Tanya stumbles upon a man's corpse.
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The premiere of new episodes of the third season of our detective series


The premiere of new episodes of the third season of our detective series "The female's Version": "The cleaner" and "Owl's sign" had happened on TVC TV channel.
Tanya, the granddaughter of a famous Moscow investigator, followed her legendary grandfather footsteps - she became a criminal investigator. Tanya becomes one of the best employees in the department mostly due the fact that she finds answers in the family cases archive, that investigator Vasiliev was kept in Soviet times.
Director: Valeria Ivanovskaya
Premiere. “The female’s version. The cleaner ". Tanya is investigating the mysterious death of a young girl, the body was found in a landfill, but there are no traces of violence, as well as witnesses...
Premiere. “The female’s version. Owl's sign".  Tanya's mother suddenly comes from abroad and informs Tanya and Lara, numb with happiness, that she is going to marry a German businessman...
You can find photos and more details here: and

On air of the TVC TV channel, a film from the third season of our detective series


On air of the TVC TV channel, a film from the third season of our detective series "The female's Version": "Komsomol affair".
Tanya is the granddaughter of a famous Moscow investigator, following the footsteps of her legendary grandfather and she becomes a criminal investigator. Tanya becomes one of the best employees in the department largely due to the fact that she finds answers in the family case archive, that was kept in Soviet times by investigator Vasiliev.
Director: Valeria Ivanovskaya.
“The female version. Komsomol affair". Tanya is investigating a new confusing crime and looking for clues in the case, that was led by major Vasilyev in Soviet times. He was investigating the murder of an instructor of the Komsomol district committee: a woman was thrown from the top floor nearby the entrance of her house ...
More details of the plots, photos from the set, the names of the star artists

On air of the TVC TV channel, the third season of our detective series


On air of the TVC TV channel, the third season of our detective series "The female's version": "Catchers of souls" and "Green sparklelight taxi".
Tanya, the granddaughter of a famous Moscow investigator, followed in the footsteps of her legendary grandfather and became a criminal investigator. Tanya becomes one of the best employees in the department, largely because she finds answers in the family cases's archive, that was collected by investigator Vasiliev in Soviet times.
Director: Valeria Ivanovskaya.
“The female’s version. Catchers of souls". Extreme entertainment turned into the death of a young girl, Tanya and her partners doubt that it was an accident ...
“The female’s version. Green sparklelight taxi”. Ivan receives an anonymous message on his phone indicating the place of a possible crime. Tanya and Nikita go back there and find a leather bag with a head...
Details of the plots, photos from the set, the names of the star artists: and

AVK production company has started filming the romantic comedy


AVK production company has started filming the romantic comedy "Bridesmaids" commissioned by EPIC MEDIA.
This is a story about a young girl who has receive an anonymous letter on her wedding eve. An unknown author hints that the groom is cheating on her with one of her best girlfriends, and she has only two of them. Dasha begins to look closer after her future husband Max, and her girlfriends Eugenia and Vera. The engagement is close to the edge...

The first 5 episodes of the comedy series


The first 5 episodes of the comedy series "Five Plus" scored 30 million views, and also hit the top OK videos. This project is filmed by AVK production at the request of the Odnoklassniki social network. The genre and plot of the series were selected based on an analysis of the preferences of viewers of their own OK show and the content that is published on the social network. According to the plot, a young couple Stas and Olya are planning to get married. To save money for the upcoming celebration, the lovers decide to let two rooms in the three-bedroom apartment – a wedding gift of Stas's parents. From that moment on, the life of the main characters changes dramatically, because extraordinary personalities become tenants in the apartment. Unexpectedly for themselves, future newlyweds all the time find themselves in situations where they need to take responsibility for their decisions and actions. More about the project

The detective series


The detective series "Planting Season" on the air of the "TVC channel", produced by AVK production. This film story is about the editor of detective stories Vera, who prefers weeding beds in the country to expensive resorts. And then one day, she find out that her neighbor in the country life, died under suspicious circumstances. Vera is sure - there was a murder. The case is being conducted by Konstantin an investigator, also a novice author of detective stories, whose novel the girl smashed to smithereens. More about the project


The film production company "AVK" has started filming the romantic comedy "The Fool of Fate" commissioned by EPIC MEDIA. One famous restaurateur decided to reeducate a negligent offspring. He sents him not to the army, but to a cafe. Nikita gets under the subordination of supervisor, the waitress Ulyana. The girl herself wanted to rein ithe boss's rude son, and all because of his insults at her. The relationship, which began with a scandal, is gradually developing into something more, but then it turns out that Nikita has a girlfriend - a model...


The production company "AVK" has started filming the romantic comedy "Bridesmaids" commissioned by EPIC MEDIA. On the eve of the wedding, Dasha receives an anonymous letter, it says that the groom is cheating on her with one of her two best friends. The main character begins to worry and closely watch the groom and girlfriends. But unexpectedly, Dasha herself has an admirer who sticks to her in front of the amazed groom. The engagement of the young is on the verge of collapse...


"AVK production" has started filming the romantic comedy "Vanilla Sky" for EPIC MEDIA. Katya works at the Vanilla Sky radio station and broadcasts a feminist program. The management changes the format and invites "professional macho" - video blogger called - Bob to raise the rating of the show. Real battles are taking place between the two radio presenters on air - the popularity of the project skyrockets. But the main character - Katya cannot put up with Bob's ambiguous jokes and wants to get him fired...

On 25th of March, the premiere of our comedy series


On 25th of March, the premiere of our comedy series "Five Plus" will take place on the Odnoklassniki social network.

A young couple Stas and Olya are planning to get married. To save money for the upcoming celebration, the lovers decide to rent two rooms in the three bedroom apartment  - a gift from Stas's parents. From that moment on, the life of the main characters changes dramatically, because extraordinary personalities become tenants in the apartment. Unexpectedly for themselves, future newlyweds all the time find themselves in situations where they need to take responsibility for their decisions and actions. Will Stas and Olya manage to keep their love? And will new friends help them get married?
The broadcast of the first 10 episodes of the comedy will be available even for unregistered users. On March 25, you need to type in the search engine "Five plus" and follow the link to the first episode, each subsequent one will be posted in the "OK" group once a week.
Director: Dina Shturmanova

Commissioned by Odnoklassniki and Mail.Ru Group.
More about the series


Film production company "AVK" has started filming the romantic comedy "Rewrite Love" commissioned by EPIC MEDIA. The main character accidentally learns that her beloved husband is in love correspondence with a certain girl. Marina wants to save the family, so she decides to talk to her husband's mistress and makes her a date. When she arrives at the appointed hour, she meets her former lover instead of her husband's misstress. Marina and Artyom decide to teach their halves a lesson, but find themselves in a whirlwind of their own passions...


"I am Wolf Messing" our documentary dramawas shown on First TV Channel. Supernatural abilities brought him money and fame, made him one of the most mysterious characters of the 20th century. However, Wolf Messing actually lived a long life in doubts and pain, never realizing whether he possesses a divine or satanic gift. More about the project please find here



At "Channel One" our documentary “Anna German. Echo of love" was showed. The main heroine of our film is a singer with a divine, angelic voice, who has lived such a bright but difficult life. She becomes the first Slavic woman from the socialist camp well known at the West. After performing at the San Remo festival, Italian newspapers called her nothing more than "the red bomb". But it was Italy that became for Anna that fateful place where her life turned upside down and broke on the road from Forlì to Milan. See more about the movie

The melodrama


The melodrama "Portrait of a Beloved" on air of the "TVC channel". Two sisters fall in love with the same young man - a police captain, who has proposes to older sister. However, on the wedding day, the main character is summoned to work. During a shootout with criminals, he has been injured and got confined to a wheelchair. A new blow of fate is presented by the beloved - she is not ready to live with a disabled person. More about the series

On the air of the TVC TV channel melodrama “Where does Nadezhda live?”.


On the air of the TVC TV channel melodrama “Where does Nadezhda live?”. An elderly mother and her adult daughter live a secluded life of two wealthy women. Their familiar world collapses when Rimma finds a letter in the office of Nikolai's late son. In it, a certain Raya from Kulichevsk tearfully asks him to take care of their daughter Nadezhda, whom she gave birth to from him twenty years ago.
More about the series

Our melodrama


Our melodrama "Comunalappartment" was air on TVC TV channel. The main character lives a prosperous life - a luxurious country house, a wealthy husband, a professor, and a son studying at a prestigious university in the capital. However, after the death of her husband Anna loses everything and ends up in a communal apartment, but it is there that she realizes that “at forty, life is just beginning” ...
More about the series

On the air of the TVC TV channel our comedy melodrama


On the air of the TVC TV channel our comedy melodrama "Only seriouse relationship" was shown. Young handsome Ivan has conflicting feelings: on the one hand, he cannot live without parties, clubs and models, and on the other hand, he misses home comfort. He categorically rejects his father's insistence on settling down and getting married. The protagonist decides to advertise that he is looking for a servant. So the fatty Marusya appears in his life.
More about the series

On the air of the TVC TV channel our romantic melodrama


On the air of the TVC TV channel our romantic melodrama "Yurochka" was showned. The businessman from Moscow feels nostalgic for his youth and goes to the city of youth to experience all the delights of provincial life. However, having arrived there, he immediately realizes that he got excited, but it is not in his nature to retreat. Yuri decides to settle in the private sector of the lonely Tanya ...
More about the series

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